Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Happy Fall

Nara and I took Caroline on her first photo session. We were both very excited. Caroline did not share our same excitement. The photographer took about 20 shots. This was the only good one. She cried and screamed like I have never seen her do. However, Nara and I left with hope for the next time.

Caroline's website

We have updated Caroline's China website

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thursday Things to Pray For

Caroline has been going to a home daycare. We love her her daycare but over the last few weeks I have realized that Caroline will really do well with just a little more of a Pre K setting. So starting next week she is going to continue to go her daycare four days a week but on Wednesdays she is going to go to a Pre-school. Please pray that this is a wise decisions and that she does well with this change.

Nara has been sick the last week. Please pray for her speedy recovery