Monday, May 31, 2010

Going back to work.

I am a little sad today. I go back to work tomorrow. Caroline starts daycare tomorrow. Do not get me wrong I am looking forward to being back at work but I am going to miss all of the adventures that Caroline and I have gone on since coming home. She is so funny and amazing to watch. Every day she learns something new and so I am sad that I am going to miss some of that.

Today Caroline pointed at her nose and said nose. She is learning news words everyday. She calls balloons balls and she call all animas dog. I am sure she will do great in daycare. It is only for a few weeks on June 24th I am off for the summer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She's going to be just fine. It really is just a few weeks and then you'll have a long break with her again! Hoping there aren't any tears tomorrow!