Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Naples Player Spring 2013 Showcase

Caroline began participating in the local theater group last August. They do not usually allow kids to participate until they are four but they broke the rules for her. Caroline was a bunny in the Nutcracker Goes Pop in December. You can read about that fun here: http://onefamiliesjourneytochina.blogspot.com/2012/12/the-nutcracker-goes-pop.html

Caroline started her second class in January and had the opportunity to participate in the end of class showcase last night. It was an Adams Family/ Spooky/Ghost Buster Theme play. She had speaking parts and signing and dancing. Caroline has never been shy and I hope she never is. She thrives on the stage. She dances like no one is watching and she embraces the fun and excitement of the night. Rick and I were so proud of her.

Ghostbusters Video

In the park before the show

 At the steps of the theather

 Look at her dance
 She loves her friends

We are so proud of her

She loves her teachers

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