Sunday, February 22, 2009

Rock Star

On Saturday the 14th Nara had her class Birthday Party. The Theme was Rock Star. The guests had a lot of fun with a bounce house, slide, snow cones, strawberry slushies and lots of music. Nara and I had a lot of fun planning the party. The party was great and the kids had fun but I think for Nara and I we will remember the birthday as the one that we shoved 36 heart balloons into my car. After struggling to get the balloons in my car we were constantly honked at, and pointed at as we drove down the road. We laughed the entire way home.
Devon was in charge of the music. He did a great job with the Rock Star theme. Tori and Alex helped entertain the younger kids. It took all three of them to supervise busting of the Electric Guitar Pinata.

I think Rick and I are already looking forward to her party next year.

1 comment:

Denise Grover Swank said...

Do you have any photos of all those balloons in your car??? You REALLY need photos!

Glad the birthday party was a huge success!