Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Shopping With My Girl

 She loves going to the mall playground afterschool

The Mall Car Strollers

Playing on the rides at the mall

 Hanging out waiting for ice cream

 Caroline's Favorite Store

She loves the pizza

I love shopping and I have really enjoyed shopping with Caroline. I hear a lot of mothers say that they would never take a toddler to the mall. Well I take my three year old to the mall all the time. We have been shopping since she was an infant. I think it is safe to say it is a favorite activity for both of us.

She loves playing in the mall playground and she really loves to eat pizza and ice cream but the older she gets the more she likes to look at clothes. She is really cute about dressing rooms she freely tells me how I look in different outfits. She has no problem telling me that an outfit does not look good on me. She is just as opinionated about her own outfits.

Her favorite store at our local mall is Victoria Secret. She calls it” her Victoria Secret” when we go in to the store. She loves the lotion and soap section.

I sure hope she always enjoys being my shopping buddy

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